Contact Us
Questions ?
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please contact either your local residents’ association (see below) or our general mailbox at
For specific questions regarding our current focus topic (Midtown Oakville) please, contact:
Rick Snidal -
George Niblock -
Doug McKirgan -
Elizabeth Chalmers -
The Joint Residents's Associations for Midtown (JRAM) consists of:
Chartwell-Maple Grove Residents Association (CMGRA) - Rick Snidal
Joshua Creek Residents' Association (JCRA) - Elizabeth Chalmers
Oakville Lakeside Residents Association (OLRA) - George Niblock
Trafalgar Chartwell Residents’ Association (TCRA) - Doug McKirgan
RA specific content on the Midtown Oakville topic can be found here.
The original founding members of WeLove Oakville:
Bronte Village Residents Association (BVRA)
Further information about Residents' Associations in Oakville is available here.