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TCRA Midtown Update

Updated: Aug 4, 2024

Originally published:

Midtown Oakville Growth Area

BREAKING NEWS! Midtown Oakville Has a New Future!

Give Yourself a Pat on the Back.

Midtown Oakville Has a New Future! 

On Monday, April 22nd, Council announced a Special Meeting of Council on June 3, 2024 to receive a revised draft Official Plan Amendment for Midtown. 


A comprehensive Petition, organized by our Ward 3 Councillors, Janet Haslett-Theall and Dave Gittings, detailed what the agenda for the meeting will comprise and the actions staff will need to undertake to help Council in achieving a responsible, liveable plan.

Highlights include: 

  • A revised concept for Midtown for a maximum population of 35,000 people and jobs. 

  • The provision of a mix of built forms including low rise multi-unit, and mid-rise construction that is sustainable. 

  • A demonstrated commitment to Climate action with “shall’ language including but not limited to compliance with Green Development standards, environmental sustainability. 

  • Enabling language for the implementation of a Community Permit Planning System (CPPS). 

  • A Transportation/Mobility Report. 

  • A Financial report estimating the cost of the hard and soft infrastructure and the estimated contribution each of the stakeholders would need to make. 

Full text of the Petition with additional information and detail can be read here


More details and information will be posted soon. Meanwhile, please mark your calendars now for June 3

Materials for the June 3 meeting are expected to be published on the Town website by May 23.

Stay Informed.  Stay Connected.  June 3 at Oakville Town Council.

Get More Info on Midtown: great info available at 


Midtown Oakville is one of 25 designated Urban Growth Centers in Ontario, in this case located around the Oakville GO station.  The planning estimates for this high density residential and employment area is for approximately 20,000 residents and jobs by 2031, and 50,000 by 2051.

There are many parallel planning activities currently in progress, with the goal of developing a fresh Official Plan Amendment (OPA) for Midtown by the end of 2023.

Several development proposals have already been submitted for Midtown land parcels, two of which have been referred to the Ontario Land Tribunal for decision.

 It is expected that infrastructure construction will begin in late 2024. 

The Vision

Midtown Oakville is being planned as an urban community where people are able to live, work, and play in walkable, mixed-use neighbourhoods, connected to the rest of Oakville by pedestrian, cycling, transit and street networks. It is to be a self-sufficient urban community with tall buildings, open spaces, recreational and retail amenities.   Click here for details on Council's vision and the planning process.

Public Engagement

TCRA expects that the development of Midtown Oakville will bring the biggest change to our neighbourhood that most of us have ever experienced. We fully accept and support the need to stop urban sprawl as Ontario's population grows. We fully accept and support the population growth envisaged for Midtown. We are committed to doing everything we can to ensure that the Vision is realized, and that Midtown does not negatively impact quality of life and property values in the existing residential neighbourhoods surrounding it. To that end, TCRA is working closely with Council, Town Staff and the Town's consultants to provide residents' feedback as planning proceeds.  Click on 'Position Papers' on the drop-down menu in the header above for access to recent TCRA positions on Midtown.

Meanwhile, Ward 3 Councillors Janet Haslett-Theal and Dave Gittings are working hard to engage the public in the planning for Midtown, both to ensure public input and to ensure that as many Oakville residents as possible are aware of and prepared for the development of Midtown.  Click here for their dedicated Midtown Oakville website, full of news and useful information.

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